Dear RBC,
A few questions have come my way regarding the leadership transition process and I'd like to clarify it for all club members.
1) RBC members from the Class of 2017 to submit their candidacy for Presidency of the RBC. The deadline was Sunday, March 6th. Three candidates submitted.
2) The candidates have been asked for interviews with a committee of RBC members from the class of 2016 who were directly involved in the organization of DGDW. The 20 minute interivews involve questions about their submissions, their ideas for the club and DGDW, and their experience organizing events in the past.
3) A group session involving all three candidates will take place early next week to test group dynamics and teamwork skills.
The application, interview, and group session are all designed to help us get to know the candidates a bit better for us to understand who would be the best fit in the role of President for the RBC. All sessions are independantly scored and we will be fully transparent with feedback to the candidates.
A few people have written to express their interest in becoming a VP of the RBC. Fantastic! The new president will decide how to best approach the VP selection and DGDW planning committee process. The class of 2016 will of course help out whenever possible with the transition.
Any questions on the process at all, please let me know!
Take care,