How do I know if I'm experiencing Anxiety?

"Anxiety is a feeling of unease, worry or fear which, when persistent and impacting on daily life may be a sign of an anxiety disorder.

Symptoms of anxiety include changes in thoughts and behaviour such as restlessnes, a feeling of dread, a feeling of being “on-edge”, difficulty concentrating, difficulty sleeping, irritability.

It can also involve physical feelings such as dizziness, nausea, heart palpitations (a noticeably strong, fast heartbeat), sweating, shortness of breath, headache, or dry mouth.

Occasionally feeling anxious, particularly about events or situations that are challenging or threatening, is a normal and extremely common response. However, if feelings of anxiety regularly cause significant distress or they start to impact on your ability to carry out your daily life, for example withdrawing or avoiding contact with friends and family, feeling unable to go to work, or avoiding places and situations then it may be a sign of an anxiety disorder.*"

*Learn More »

Check some of the resources below that might help during times of anxiety

Inner Self Learning Resources: Books


Recommendy By


10% Happier - Dan Harris

Valentina Posada

Short read that made me realice how mindfulness meditation helped someone as skeptic as I as on the topic.

Feeling Good - David D. Burns

Valentina Posada

Very tactical, tips on what to do when automatic negative thoughts arise

Don't Sweat The Small Stuff - Richard Carlson

Charlie Porter

Very easy read that makes you think about day to day situations in a different life. Helped me to get less affected and stressed by daily events.

Managing Your Mind: The Mental Fitness Guide

Inese Smidre

Scientific overview of mental health, simple illustrative stories and practical advice

Inner Self Learning Resources: POdcasts


Recommendy By


The Adult Chair w/ Michelle Chalfant

Gabe Gage

Nice therapist style focused short sessions on triggers and life management

The Happiness Lab w/ Dr. Laurie Santos

Valentina Posada

Based on the psychology course she teaches at Yale, she will take you through the latest scientific research and stories to change the way most people think about happiness

Inner Self Learning Resources: Videos


Recommendy By



How to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Mind | Dr. Joe Dispenza on Impact Theory

Valentina Posada For skepticals on meditation! Joe Dispenza explains how your brain changes when you meditate

How To Move On, Let Go & Leave Your Past in The Past.

Gabe Gage

Motivational video to reset an anxious period
Boho Beautiful Valentina Posada Free yoga classes, different lengths, different purposes, different levels of difficulty

Inner Self Learning Resources: APPs


Recommendy By



Matheus Roriz

Great app for a quick meditation, sleepcast, motivation videos and short workouts


Valentina Posada

This App has so many helpful tools! From guided meditations, to masterclasses on how to eat or sleep better, to sleep stories, it's been my companion for 5+ years
Insight Timer Gabe Gage Huge selection of guided meditations but no learning path. suggested for advanced meditators or those wanting deeper insights into mindfulness
Waking Up Gabe Gage Guided meditations in very short format with technically based information.

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