AXA Process Online: how to find a therapist in BCN

Finding a therapist in a new country might be hard, but this quick step-by-step will make your this process a little bit easier

1. LOG In To MyAXA

Enter your login and password. If you do not have them, you should check your contract to find the necessary information to register in the website

2. Go to Centro de Salud

After you login, you should click on the option "Centro de Salud de Axa"

Learn More »

3. Go to Cuadro Medico

4. Go to Cuadro Medico Seguro de Salud

5. Fill the form

Select "Si" to Eres Cliente de AXA SALUD?

Choose ViP for Type of Client

Input Barcelona / Barcelona / Post Code + "Psicologia"

6. Look for a Psychologist Near you and Call to Make an Appointment

You can do that directly using the website and call the number there or you can call Axa (the phone number in the card) and ask them for suggestions.

You will pay the psychologist's practice yourself at the end of each session.

Reimbursement process: Get re-imbursed for local in-network psychologist by filling out this link with your payment receipt:

Reimbursement usually takes 2-5 weeks but can take up to 2 months

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